Talking to Kids About Racism During COVID
There has been a surge in xenophobia and racism, especially anti-Asian racism, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This makes conversations with our children more urgent than ever, but they can still be difficult. At the same time, we are all facing unprecedented circumstances due to the pandemic and the many ways it is impacting our daily lives. We’re gathering links to resources in English and Italian which can help adults and children start, and continue, the conversations we need to be having - about all of it.
If you have resources to recommend for adding to our list, please let us know.
Siti web:
Come parlare ai bambini di razzismo e uguaglianza
National Geographic (10 giugno, 2020,)
5 attenzioni e attività per contrastare Il razzismo in classe
Save The Children (13 marzo, 2017)
Come educare i bambini a non essere razzisti
Nostro Figlio (24 giugno, 2020)
Come parlare di differenza e di razzismo nella famiglia multietnica
Mamma Pret a Porter
Sportello contro il razzismo
Esperienze della comunità cinese in Italia durante la pandemia di COVID-19:
Italia: “Vergognosa ondata di sinofobia.”
Amnesty International (4 febbraio, 2020)
UGIC: Psicosi Coronavirus alimenta xenofobia
Controradio (4 febbraio, 2020)
#IONONSONOUNVIRUS Campagna sociale antirazzista
Il Migrante (24 febbraio, 2020)
Io, cinese, scelgo l’Italia: 22 storie di lockdown tra paure, passione e futuro
Il Messaggero (1 ottobre, 2020)
Altro materiale sul Covid-19 per i ragazzi:
Guida galattica al Coronavirus per bambini e bambine curiosi
Il Museo dei Bambini di Roma (2020)
Web Sites:
How to talk honestly with children about racism
Public Broadcasting Service (June 2, 2020)
Talking to kids about xenophobia
Hsu Oh, L., National Geographic (May 26, 2020)
Talking to your kids about racism: How to start the important conversation and keep it going
United Nations Children’s Fund (July 2, 2020)
These books can help you explain racism and protest to your kids
New York Times (June 2, 2020)
Stop the spread of rumors
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency (June, 2020)
Reducing stigma
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (May 20, 2020)
Engaging my child: Parent tips tools. Uplifting families through healthy communication about race
American Psychological Association (April, 2018)
Division 45 task force on Covid-19 Anti-Asian discrimination and xenophobia
Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race. American Psychological Association (June 14, 2020)
Stop AAPI hate reporting center
Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council (2020)
Combating stereotypes: How to talk to your children
The Conversation, Rhodes, M. (2017).
Acknowledge, Validate, Reframe: How Asian Americans can respond to Covid-19 discrimination
American Psychological Association. Division 45 (June 9, 2020)
Supporting Asian/Asian American children and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic
Society for Research in Child Development (June 2, 2020)
Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
World Health Organization (2020)
Tips for families dealing with Covid-19 Anti-Asian discrimination
Asian American Psychological Association Division 45 (2020)