Life Doesn't Frighten Me

Life Doesn't Frighten Me_Cover.jpeg

Author: Maya Angelou

Artist: Jean-Michel Basquiat

Editor: Sara Jane Boyers

Publisher: Harry N. Abrams, 2018

Publisher’s recommended age: 3+

Text by Maya Angelou, paintings by Jean-Michel Basquiat - that alone is reason enough to pick up this book. This is an amazing pairing of two incredible people, thanks to the book’s editor, Sara Jane Boyers. Angelou’s poem captures a feeling which we typically associate with childhood, but accompanies us throughout life - putting on a brave face in front of the things that scare us. It is at once an acknowledgement of the fears we all feel and an encouragement to lift your chin and face  those fears head on. Basquiat’s paintings offer a visual complement to Angelou’s words, using his own visual language to express the same tension of fear and bravado.

Available Languages: English, Portuguese and German.

It is not yet available in Italian.

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