“You changed my life forever when you put books in my hands.”
— Yuyi Morales
Every year sees more remarkable books being published, but access to those books remains a major stumbling block. A core part of our work is dedicated to breaking down barriers to access and making sure that the stories that are being told are getting into the hands of readers. We work with our local community members and leaders to understand where those barriers exist and to find creative solutions to overcome them.
Barriers to access that we’ve identified ourselves
language -> translations
advocate to publishing houses in Italy to publish English or other language books in translation
help Italy-resident authors and illustrators get published
$ -> fundraising
bias -> education initiatives
illustrations -> convince local authors and illustrators of the value and importance of making the pages of their books look like the world we actually live in
libraries -> what do they need from us?
Write-in campaign!
book lists
prof development
family/community activities
schools -> how can we convince them/what do they need from us?
Book lists
Teacher resources (prof development)
book donations
school projects (by us or self-led)
bookstores -> how can we convince them/what do they need from us?
book lists
family/community activities
how to talk about books
how to talk about issues
how to choose books
getting books TO individuals
PJ Library (dreaming big)
Bibliobus (our own Ape?)
connecting them with libraries